August CLE: Immigration Consequences in Criminal Law

Charlie's at The Weatherford 23 N. Leroux, Flagstaff

Tuesday August 14th (12:00-1:00):  "Immigration Consequences in Criminal Law" presented by Laura St. John, Legal Director of The Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project.

September CLE: Legislative Review & Election Pre-view: Me Too, Red for Ed, Teacher Walk Out, Opioids and an Election: What Could Go Wrong?

Charlie's at The Weatherford 23 N. Leroux, Flagstaff

Tuesday September 18th (12:00-1:00): "Legislative Review & Election Pre-view:  Me Too, Red for Ed, Teacher Walk Out, Opioids and an Election:  What Could Go Wrong?" presented by Dr. Marcus Osborn, Ph.D., Government Affairs Specialist / Lobbyist at Kutak Rock LLP in Scottsdale.

October CLE: Court of Appeals Appellate Update

Charlie's at The Weatherford 23 N. Leroux, Flagstaff, AZ

Friday 10/12 (noon-1:15) Judges from Division One of the Court of Appeals in Phoenix will be presenting on Appellate Updates.

JUNE CLE: “The Discipline Process: A Judicial Perspective” (presented by Presiding Disciplinary Judge William O’Neil)

Charlie's at The Weatherford 23 N. Leroux, Flagstaff, AZ

Our June CLE will be the final chapter of the Coconino County Bar Association's "Ethics" presentation series. Please join us at the Hotel Weatherford for a discussion on the attorney disciplinary process from the perspective of Judge William O'Neil, the Presiding Disciplinary Judge of Arizona's Supreme Court.