Latest Past Events

April CLE

April 13, 2023 @ 12:00pm - 1:30pm Please join us for an in-person review/CLE at Collins Irish Pub & Grill, located 2 N. Leroux Street. Topic:  Proposed Modifications to Arizona law  Court of Appeals Judge Paul J. McMurdie will be leading a Bench-and-Bar preview of the new draft Spousal Maintenance Guidelines.  It will be a […]

March 21, 2023 CLE

Collins Irish Pub 2 N. Leroux St., Flagstaff

Please join us for our return to in-person CLEs at Collins Irish Pub & Grill, located 2 N. Leroux St. Topic: Rule 404 - What is it good for? Rule 404 is perceived as an area fraught with peril, yet once decoded and demystified, Arizona law in this area provides clear and defensible boundaries for […]

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